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How to Seal or Expunge Florida Criminal Charges

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Denied a job because of a criminal charge? Contact The Law Office of Jody L. Fisher for help.

Today’s job market is tough. Even with the best qualifications, a degree from a prestigious school or university, an internship or prior experience in the field, and solid references, it’s still hard to find a job.

If you have a criminal charge on your record, it’s even harder.

At the Law Office of Jody L. Fisher, I can help you get the fresh start you deserve.

From my office in Leesburg, Florida, I help people throughout central-Florida make their criminal history a thing of the past by sealing or expunging the record of their crimes.

Expunge Your Florida Criminal Record

If you’ve ever been arrested and fingerprinted, you have a criminal record. Details about your criminal charges are available to the public. Anyone who’s interested, like your potential employer, can find out about your criminal past - even if the charges were for something fairly minor.

By expunging your criminal record, most of the information about your criminal case will be erased from the public domain. It will no longer appear in police databases or the computers at the clerk of courts, and records of the criminal charge will be destroyed. Once the record is expunged, you can legally deny that you were arrested.

What’s the difference between sealing a record and having a conviction expunged?

Sealing your criminal record means that the law enforcement and judicial record of the incident can only be accessed in limited circumstances. The records remain, and you are required to reveal the existence of the charge if you are questioned about your criminal history.

If the record is expunged, it is physically destroyed by most agencies and departments in possession of the record and, in most cases, regarded as if the incident never happened.

Limitations on Expunging a Criminal Record

Once you have your criminal record expunged, there are still circumstances when you cannot deny the criminal charge. You are required to acknowledge the expunged arrest if you are:

  • applying for a job with a criminal justice agency
  • a defendant in a criminal case
  • applying to seal or expunge another criminal record
  • applying to be an attorney
  • seeking employment or licensure to work with children, the developmentally disabled, or the elderly
  • applying for a job in a Florida seaport
  • attempting to purchase a firearm

Do I qualify to have my criminal record sealed or expunged?

You can only seal or expunge your criminal record one time. If you have multiple criminal charges, you are not eligible to have your record sealed or expunged. Remember that some driving offenses, like Driving Under the Influence (DUI), reckless driving, and driving with a suspended license are considered criminal offenses. If you have been charged with or found guilty of one or more of these offenses, you do not qualify to have your record sealed or expunged.

If you have a prior sealed or expunged record, you probably cannot have your record expunged.

You may only expunge or seal a criminal record that did not result in a conviction.

Question About Sealing or Expunging a Florida Criminal Record? Contact Attorney Jody L. Fisher Today

If you have a criminal charge on your record that is limiting your success in finding a new job, contact central-Florida criminal defense attorney Jody L. Fisher today for an initial consultation. Call us at (352) 503-4111, email, or complete our online information form.
