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How to Make the Holidays Special for Your Stepchild

Decorating a tree

As many stepparents know, the holidays can be an incredibly emotional period. Whether it be because stepchildren are having a hard time accepting the new family structure or everyone in the family is excited to begin new holiday traditions, the transition will take some getting used to XXX. There are a few ways you can make the holidays special for your newly acquired family.

1. Be Yourself

To build a strong relationship with your stepchildren, you need to be honest and present your true self. Children are more perceptive than we often given them credit for, and they will know if you aren’t being genuine.

2. Honor Traditions

If this is your first holiday with your stepchild, it may be particularly difficult for them. Sticking to some older traditions may ease the transition into this new family dynamic.

3. Create New Traditions

While it’s important to honor holiday traditions your stepchildren are accustomed to, creating your own traditions is a great way to bond too. Establishing something new could help the child settle into the new familial relationships and trust that the change is a positive one.

4. Be Positive

Children can feel conflicted about stepparents, so it’s important to remember that what they say or do is not a personal attack. As long as you keep an upbeat attitude and show the child that everything will be alright, they should eventually adjust.

5. Support Their Relationship with Biological Parents

If your spouse doesn’t get along with their ex, neither of you must let that get in the way of the child’s relationship with their other parent. If the child would rather do a certain holiday activity with their biological parent, don’t force them to do it with you. For example, let’s say the child would always go with their biological father to pick out a Christmas tree. If the child would like to continue that tradition, give them the space to do so.

Helping Blended Families Create a Solid Future

If you recently became a stepparent and would like to adopt the child of your spouse, our firm can help. Attorney Jody Fisher has extensive experience with adoption law and can guide you towards a positive new beginning.

Get started by calling our firm at (352) 503-4111 or contacting us online.