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Moving with Your Children After a Divorce

family moving

You cannot expect your life to remain the same after divorcing your spouse. If you are planning to relocate, but have children, the process of relocating may be a bit more complicated for you and your family. However, you can approach this matter in a couple of ways. First, you can discuss it with your former spouse and attempt to work out a new child custody arrangement to ensure your children maintain a relationship and bond with their other parent. If unsuccessful, you can petition the court with your request.

Taking Your Relocation Case to Court

As with any child-related matter, family courts base all decisions on the best interests of the children. If you are trying to relocate to pursue a new job opportunity or to be closer to family, for example, you may be able to prove that relocating can potentially improve your children’s quality of life.

Here are some of the factors a judge will review when examining your case:

  • The intent of each parent opposing and seeking the move
  • If there is a pattern of conduct from the moving parent to damage the relationship between the children and their other parent
  • The needs and age of the children
  • The impact moving may have on the children’s emotional, physical, and educational development
  • If it is feasible for the other parent to relocate as well
  • If it is possible for a new child custody arrangement to allow the children to maintain a relationship with the non-moving parent
  • Depending on the maturity and age of the children, a judge may consider their preferences

Your motives for relocating will be heavily scrutinized, so it is crucial to hire an experienced attorney who can help you overcome the obstacles you may face during this process.

Speak to an Experienced Family Law Attorney About Your Relocation Case!

If you wish to move with your children to pursue better opportunities that can improve their lives, do not hesitate to reach out to the family law team at the Law Office of Jody L. Fisher. Our team is committed to providing compassionate assistance and experienced legal advice, so you can successfully achieve your unique goals. We understand the sensitive nature of these cases and will work tirelessly on your behalf.

Call our law office today at (352) 503-4111 to set up an initial consultation with our knowledgeable family law attorney.
