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How Long Will Supervised Visitation Last?


Supervised visitation allows a child and parent to maintain a relationship while ensuring the safety and wellbeing of that child is not jeopardized. Generally, supervised visitation is not designed to be permanent. It may be ordered for a specified amount of time, during which the parent will be observed, so that a judge may review and revisit the case to determine if it is safe to permit unsupervised visitation.

Understanding Supervised Visitation

Although supervised visitation is typically not meant to go on indefinitely, if the circumstances do not change and a judge believes that the problematic behaviors or parenting skills remain unaddressed, supervised visitation may continue. However, if the visits prove to be beneficial to the child and a judge believes more frequent and longer contact is in the best interest of the child, visitation may gradually become less restrictive until it is entirely lifted.

Below are some of the circumstances in which a judge may order supervised visitation:

  • There is a history of substance abuse
  • There is a threat that the parent may abduct the child
  • There is a history of neglect or domestic violence
  • The parent has a mental illness that poses a risk to the child
  • To reintroduce a child and parent after an extended period of separation
  • If the parent and child never had an existing relationship
  • To give the parent an opportunity to rectify any issues that may be considered damaging to unsupervised visitation

If supervised visitation is ordered, the parent must comply with it or face severe penalties. If you need to have the order modified, it is essential to do so with the court. Otherwise, modifying it on your own, without going through the proper official channels, can create some major problems later on.

Discuss Supervised Visitation Case with an Experienced Family Law Attorney Today!

In some cases, a judge may believe it is not in the best interests of a child to spend time with a parent without supervision. In the interest of allowing a parent-child bond to continue, supervised visitation may be ordered. At the Law Office of Jody L. Fisher, we can assist you with your case and ensure the best interests of your child are protected.

Reach out to our law firm today at (352) 503-4111 to set up a consultation with our knowledgeable attorney to get started on your case and learn more about what we can do to help you.
