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What Constitutes Vehicular Manslaughter in Florida?

Car Crash

Vehicular manslaughter charges in Florida can be a life-altering event with significant consequences for those charged with the offense. This criminal offense can result in lengthy jail sentences, hefty fines, and a criminal record that can hinder future employment opportunities.

Suppose you or a loved one is facing vehicular manslaughter charges in Florida.

In that case, it’s essential to understand the law and your legal rights to protect yourself and ensure the best possible outcome. In this blog post, we’ll discuss what vehicular manslaughter is, the types of vehicular manslaughter charges in Florida, the legal consequences, and the defense strategies you can use to fight the charges.

Legal Definition of Vehicular Manslaughter in Florida

Vehicular manslaughter in Florida is a second-degree felony, with a prison sentence of up to 15 years and a $10,000 fine.

If the driver took off after the car accident, they could be charged with a first-degree felony, putting them in prison for up to 30 years.

Vehicular homicide, as defined under Florida Statute § 782.071, is causing another person's death while recklessly or negligently operating a vehicle. You can also be charged with vehicular homicide if, while operating a motor vehicle, you cause the death of an unborn child because of injuries the mother receives.

DUI manslaughter charges are brought when someone is killed in an accident involving a driver under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Under Florida Statute § 316.193(1) and (3)(c)(3), a person can face criminal consequences if they are in actual physical control of a vehicle while under the influence to the point where their faculties are inhibited or have a BAC of 0.08 or higher and cause the death of another person. Even if you did not mean to cause another person harm, you can still be charged with DUI manslaughter.

Street Racing Crimes in Florida

It is also important to note that street racing is illegal in Florida, and in some cases, a person can face criminal charges if their highway/street racing causes the death of another person. In addition to facing vehicular homicide charges, a person can also face additional penalties for engaging in a highway race that results in death.

Highway racing is a first-degree misdemeanor and is punishable by a fine of no more than $1,000 (for first-time violations); violators of this offense can face license suspension and imprisonment for up to a year.

Florida Statute § 316.191 outlines highway racing offenses in more detail.

Vehicular Manslaughter | Florida Sentence

Vehicular manslaughter in Florida is a second-degree felony. It is punishable by up to 15 years in prison and a $10,000 fine. The minimum sentence for vehicular manslaughter is nine years and three months in jail. A Florida judge can enhance the penalty to a first-degree felony if the person fails to give information and render aid.

If you flee the scene, the sentence can be up to 30 years. Penalties can be even more severe if you have previous DUI convictions.

For DUI manslaughter, the penalties can be much more severe. DUI manslaughter is considered a second-degree felony with a mandatory minimum sentence of four years in prison, a $10,000 fine, and a permanent revocation of your driver's license. Additionally, the penalties can be even more severe if you have previous DUI convictions.

Get Legal Help

At the Law Office of Jody L. Fisher, our attorney has over two decades of legal experience. If you or a loved one are facing vehicular manslaughter charges, you can trust our firm to help you build a solid defense strategy.

Call (352) 503-4111 to get started on your case today.
