Adoption Attorney in Leesburg
Helping Parents & Children throughout The Villages: (352) 503-4111
Under Florida law, it is preferable for children to have the active care and support of two parents. When a child's natural parents are not able to fulfill both parental roles, adoption may be a way to provide the child with those parental relationships.
As a Leesburg adoption lawyer, Attorney Jody Fisher is devoted to the well-being of children and is happy to help clients solidify their families through the process of adoption.
Contact us at (352) 503-4111 to schedule a consultation and learn how we can help you fulfill your adoption wishes.
Stepparent Adoptions
Adoption is a procedure where the rights and responsibilities that normally belong to a child's natural parent are transferred to someone else.
One of the most common forms of adoption is stepparent adoption. This option is typically pursued where only one of a child's parents is really involved in the child's life, and that parent's spouse acts as a second parent and wants to legally formalize that relationship. This can be done with the consent of the other birth parent or through a contested legal proceeding.
Legal Recognition for Non-Traditional Families
I can also help same-sex partners and other non-traditional families pursue the Florida legal option of joint managing conservatorship (JMC). This process allows an individual who is not a child's legal parent to share in parenting rights and responsibilities such as education and health care decisions.
Adoption allows a child to have a legal relationship with the people who actually care for and support that child. We encourage you to work with Attorney Jody Fisher, a Leesburg family lawyer who is devoted to helping families adopt.
To learn more about the adoption process or get started on your case, please call the Law Office of Jody L. Fisher at (352) 503-4111.